Who Pays When a Truck Gets Stuck on a Road That Prohibits Trucks?
Joe: 106.7 WIZN. That’s Steve Miller and “Jet Airliner.” Joe Vega here with you on your Wednesday rocking ride home. So we’ve had another tractor-trailer get stuck on the Notch Road. I brought on my friend Ben Barry from Martin, Harding, & Mazzotti. You can call him at 800-LAW-1010, or you can go online to 1800law1010.com. Ben, how’re you doing?
Ben: I’m doing well, Joe.
Joe: Thanks for coming back on this show, Ben. I wanted to talk to you this road that we have in Stowe. I know you’re over in Albany. I’m not sure if you’re aware of the road that I’m talking about. It’s Route 108. It connects Stowe and Jeffersonville, Vermont. It’s equivalent to Lombard Street, that famous street in San Francisco. A lot of twists and turns, and what happens almost every year is a tractor-trailer gets stuck on it. Even though tractor-trailers aren’t allowed on the road. This year it took a total of six days.
Ben: I know exactly where you’re talking about. I’m in Vermont all the time. I’m usually over at UVM Hospital a couple of times a week meeting with clients, and etc. But, yeah. So yeah, there was a truck that got stuck on 108. Usually, I believe if my recollection serves me there are several flashing lights that warn trucks of a certain size that the road is basically impassable due to the turns on that particular roadway. And when they do get stuck they usually shut down traffic for quite some time. Very inconvenient.
Joe: Yeah, it is. It is very because it’s a beautiful road to travel, and a lot of tourists do it. But then, of course, the road gets shut down and I was curious, what can the town do? What kind of finds can they levy on the people that get their tractor-trailers stuck on this road?
Ben: Well, my understanding is that they can be fined, civilly fined. Truck drivers who are repeat offenders I’m not really sure what Vermont has as far as laws are concerned that can escalate the fines. But certainly, they are liable for a civil infraction, a civil fine. I think it’s 1000, 2000 bucks if I’m not mistaken.
They certainly, I think that the municipalities might have a right to recover some of the costs that would be associated with removing that particular truck from the roadway. If it had to be towed out by the municipality. Usually, they hire private companies to do that kinda stuff, but I imagine if the town or the village could send a bill to the trucking company.
Joe: Oh, so the trucking company can be fined as well, not just the driver?
Ben: That’s right. I think they usually fine the driver. I’m not sure how it works how the commercial licensing, but usually it’s probably to the driver. And that driver passes it on to the company.
Joe: All right. Well, thanks a lot for the info, Ben. Yeah, six days after the Notch Road opened up already we have our first tractor-trailer getting stuck on there of the year. Appreciate you coming on the show, Ben.
Ben: Thanks for having me, Joe. Talk to you soon.
Joe: Ben Barry from Martin, Harding, & Mazzotti. You can call them up at 1-800-LAW-1010. You can also go online at 1800law101.com. Mel Allen taking over from here. He’s got music from Led Zeppelin and George Thorogood next.