March 20th – the first day of spring!
Everything is starting to melt, trees are budding, and the weather is warming up. With everything melting it’s a great time to go see waterfalls because they will have more water running over them than usual. One park in the north east that is known to have a bigger waterfall in the spring than in other seasons is Thacher State Park.
Thacher State Park is famous for its Indian ladder trial. This is where you can see 2 waterfalls and walk behind them. The trial follows along a cliff so make sure to stay on the trail. There are stairs to climb at one end. There is also 25 more miles of trails for you to explore. There is no fee to hike at Thacher State Park, just a $6 parking fee. For later in the season the park has cliffs for climbing and suspended adventure courses in the trees.
Important things to remember when hiking in the spring
The temperature can change drastically during your hike especially if you are going up in elevation
Make sure to wear layers so that you can take layers off or add on layers as you go through your hike. Also bringing a rain jacket isn’t a bad idea since rain can appear out of nowhere.
Wear appropriate shoes
The trail can be wet and slippery, so it is important to wear shoes that have a good grip. Also, if you have water proof shoes those are good too. Sometimes as you get higher in elevation you will find snow on the trail.
The sun isn’t out as long as in the summer
Make sure you time your hike so you don’t get stuck in the dark. It is best to go in the morning since you will have the whole day to have sunlight.
Flash flooding
With everything melting and the possibility of rain always be prepared for a flash flood. Do not go hiking in places known for flash flooding or where a stream could easily overtake a trial.
Ticks start to reappear in the spring. Make sure to dress appropriately and bring tick repellent. Also make sure to check yourself for ticks when you return home.
Check for ticks in your hair/ hairline, armpits, in between your toes, and other places that are dark and warm.
Flash flooding
With everything melting and the possibility of rain always be prepared for a flash flood. Do not go hiking in places known for flash flooding or where a stream could easily overtake a trial.
Carry a first aid kit
It’s always important to be prepared for the worst. Band-Aids and ace bandages are good to carry with you.
Carry a compass
If you get lost its always good to have a compass with you. If you have a map too that is good.
Bring food and water
Going through mud, water, snow, and rock scrambles with leave you hungry and thirsty. Make sure to bring light weight food like granola bars and a bottle of water.
Be careful crossing streams
Watch out for deep water and strong currents. One wrong move can send you fighting for your life.