Grand Jury Indicts Four People In Kinderhook Assault Case

Recorded on October 13, 2020

A grand jury has handed out indictments to four individuals, including a Columbia County deputy, in an assault case from Kinderhook, NY. The incident took place at a party, where the individuals were accused of restraining and attacking a man who was seriously injured in the altercation. Attorney Chas Farcher of Martin, Harding & Mazzotti, LLP is on the radio with PYX106 discussing this case.

Please give it a listen or read the transcript below.

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Announcer: Quinn and Cantara.

Quinn: It’s 1-800-LAW-1010. Chas Farcher from Martin, Harding & Mazzotti on the phone.

Cantara: Yeah, Chas, and you’re the right guy to fill us in on this story. And I like the way you wrote it up in your post yesterday. For people who’ve seen those Justice for Harold signs out in Columbia County, we’re kinda gonna get to the bottom of it via the grand jury, right?

Quinn: This guy was beaten up at a 4th of July party or something.

Chas: Yeah, so if you’re driving around Columbia County, you can’t miss these signs. They’re all over the place. The whole incident stems from a party that occurred on the 4th of July at a deputy sheriff’s house. And then you got this guy who just shows up beaten very badly. And the details are still kinda murky. There’s been a lot of outrage in the community because no arrests were made until just recently. The grand jury handed out indictments against four individuals.

Quinn: Do we know any… Do we know… Are there theories?

Cantara: Well, wasn’t the wife of the homeowner on the police force? Isn’t that what people are speculating? I don’t want you to say what you can’t, but…

Chas: Right. So the homeowner is a local businessman who owns the Club Life Gym. And his wife was also a deputy for the Columbia County Sheriff. And so, you know…

Cantara: So, he’s that guy…

Quinn: The guy at the gym? I know that guy.

Cantara: He’s that guy from the whole gym fiasco?

Chas: That’s the guy. You’ve got it, my friend. That’s the guy. So…

Quinn: Do we know what this guy who got beat up did? Like, did he go down there saying something? Did he get into a tussle over something that, you know, what, or is it just everyday nonsense, drunkenness?

Chas: Well, and, you know, and so it’s one of those things where Harold Handy, the Justice for Harold guy, he got beat very badly, and exactly why depends on whose story you believe. So, you know, the versions that have come out for the defendants is that Mr. Handy went to this party, and was aggressive with other guests, and started a number of altercations.

Of course, there’s a different version and that’s why you have a grand jury indictment against four individuals. But I will point out, that a grand jury indictment is not a conviction. It just means there’s enough evidence to allege a crime occurred. That’s not a conviction though.

Quinn: Cantara, didn’t you tell me a grand jury could indict a ham sandwich?

Cantara: Well, Chas, when we were talking about Breonna Taylor, somebody brought up that grand juries can indict a ham sandwich. They usually do, right?

Chas: Yeah. Basically, an indictment just says there’s enough evidence to move forward. There’s enough evidence to support an allegation.

Quinn: Right. There’s something stinky.

Cantara: But, Chas, did I read the word kidnapping in this indictment?

Quinn: What?

Chas: Unlawful imprisonment is a different crime. And basically what the allegation would be is that they detained Mr. Handy, or wouldn’t allow him to leave the party, or wouldn’t allow other people to leave the party. So that’s the basis of that allegation there.

Cantara: All right. So what’s the time frame? When will all of this come to fruition? Is this a year away?

Chas: Usually, it’ll probably be quicker than that. But given in this COVID corona-world we’re living in, who the heck knows? You know, most jury trials, assuming this is gonna go to trial or not, can be let down because the defendant seemed to… I’ve taken a position they’re going to defend these charges. You know, most trials now have been put off for some time. But generally six months to a year you might be looking at a trial on these matters.

Quinn: God, there’s got to be somebody out there who wants to squeal on what happened inside this party anonymously.

Cantara: What does your gut tell you, Chas?

Chas: The problem with a case like this from the DA or the prosecution’s point of view is you gotta think, you know, most of the witnesses here are probably gonna be favorable or friendly to the hosts, number one. Number two, most of your witnesses are probably gonna be intoxicated or drunk if the allegation as they’ve been laid out so far are accurate.

Quinn: Okay.

Cantara: Does sound like a good party before this… I mean, before it got messy, like, it sounded like a good time.

Quinn: Yeah, yeah. If it’s just a tumble, a drunken tumble, I get it.

Cantara: The thing is, I think what makes this a bigger story than it needs to be is that the way the information never came out. And when it did come out it was just in little drips.

Quinn: Yes.

Cantara: I think that’s part of the problem.

Quinn: Yeah, there’s a paper trail here.

Chas: You know, well, the issue is, you know, given the current climate we’re in with police, you know, people are saying there’s a lack of transparency. One of the hosts, now defendant, was a deputy on the sheriff’s force. You know, and it took a long time to get indictments.

But I’ve got to say, the Columbia County Sheriff seems to have handed off the investigation to the New York State Police early on, number one. Number two, the sheriff’s deputy that’s been charged with these crimes was 30 weeks pregnant at the time. So, I’m not how… I’m not sure how involved she was in the whole gang assault that’s being alleged here. But, yeah, I guess we’ll see.

Quinn: Really quickly, Harold, is Harold alive?

Cantara: Harold’s alive. How’s he doing?

Chas: He is. My understanding, he spent several days in the hospital. He’s still got some residual cognitive issues. But he is alive. And as far as I know, still working as a local business owner.

Quinn: Okay.

Cantara: I feel like honestly, like, if we all listened to Fauci this would’ve never happened because we would’ve never had a party this summer…

Quinn: That’s a great point.

Cantara: …if we listened to Fauci.

Chas: If we all just stayed the F home. This sounds like a Cantara holiday party with the family or something. I don’t know what’s going on.

Cantara: Hey, how are you doing, man? What are you working on in the shop these days, Chas?

Chas: I’m working on finding a new football team. I’m rooting for the Seattle Seahawks now. I’ve given up on the Giants. I may become a part of Pat nation and join Cam Newton.

Cantara: Listen, I have an extra Buccaneers’ shirt if you want to join me. They’re my second favorite team now.

Chas: I may have to throw them a TV12. I’ve written off all New York teams except for the Bills. Let’s go Bills tonight.

Quinn: There you go. There you go.

Cantara: Well, I’m not gonna root for the Bills.

Quinn: 4-0, aren’t they?

Cantara: But I will say, the Giants were in… They’re at least trending in the right direction, I think.

Quinn: Yeah, don’t jump off the wagon just yet, man. We’ve got some easy games coming up. Chas Farcher from Martin, Harding & Mazzotti. Thank you, sir. Get on the back of that bus one of these days, would ya heavy hitter? Come on.

Chas: Yes, sir. I’ve gotta fix my hair and my face before they put me up there. But you’ve got it.

Cantara: You’re the best, Chas. Thanks, pal.

Quinn: 1-800-LAW-1010.

Chas: Take care, guys.
