Introducing The Spirit of the Capital Region: Social Distancing Edition

About SOTCR: Social Distancing Edition

At Martin, Harding & Mazzotti, we have been working on a project called The Spirit of the Capital Region (SOTCR) – a video series featuring the many local businesses, events, and charities that those in our area can be proud of. We were set to premiere the series, but due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to take the project in a different direction: We will now feature a local small business or organization in a short video blog on weekdays to get the word out about what they are currently offering, and how we as a community can support them (while practicing the recommended social distancing).

We Want to Hear From You!

Make sure to suggest your favorite establishment or nonprofit on our Facebook page!

Hi, my name is Emily, I work for Martin Harding & Mazzotti. Like a lot of you, I’m sure, I’m working from home today.

Here at MHM, we’ve been working on something really exciting called The Spirit of the Capital Region. It’s a video series exploring everything the Capital Region has to offer. Local businesses, events, charities… basically everything that people who live here can be proud of.

We were about to release the series this month when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged at the forefront of all of our lives. It changed the way most of us live and work. It certainly hit many of our local businesses hard, forcing them to get creative and change the way they operate in order to stay afloat. Sadly, it forced many people out of their jobs.

However, it is up to us as community members to give our local small businesses as much support as we can, for as long as we can through these uncertain times. For this reason, we are going to be highlighting different businesses every weekday with a short video blog like this one to get the word out about what they’re still able to offer, and how as a community we can help while still practicing the recommended social distancing.

You are all encouraged to suggest your favorite local restaurants, businesses, and shops in the comments below. We will feature as many as we can in the coming weeks. So drop your suggestions in the comments. Stay safe and healthy! Signing off, my name is Emily and this is The Spirit of the Capital Region: Social Distancing Edition.

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